Dustless Blasting distributor in Hungary
Dustless Blasting forgalmazó Magyarországon
Thank you for your interest in Dustess Blasting. SOUP International Ltd. is the official distributor of CE marked machines in Hungary.
The machines are delivered directly from our central warehouse.
Ask for free demo if you plan to purchase a DustlessBlaster or a screw compressor.
This description will show you, how to save time and money with Dustless Blasting machines.
Here see you the pricing and the selection method of suitable equipment. How can Dustless Blasting help you in your existing business? How much money can you save by introducing a Dustless Blasting machine?
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Dustless Blasting forgalmazó Magyarországon
Recommended compressors: min. 4000 liter/min- 10 bar, for fast work 6000 liter/min- 10bar.
- Water capacity: 40 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 50 kg
- Continuous blast time: ~30 min
- Compressor requirement: 185+ CFM, ~5200+ liter/min
- Water capacity: 80 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 100kg
- Continuous blast time: ~60 min
- Compressor requirement: 185+ CFM, ~5200+ liter/min
- Water capacity: 120 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 150kg
- Continuous blast time: ~90 min
- Compressor requirement: 210+ CFM, ~6000+ liter/min
- Water capacity: 283 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 340kg
- Continuous blast time: ~2-3 hours
- Compressor requirement: 375+ CFM, ~10600+ l/min
Multi Media Blaster
- Water capacity: 40 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 50 kg
- Running time: ~30 min
- Continuous blast time: 185+ CFM, ~5200+ liter/min
High capacity Air drying and cooling system:MT-3 automatic air dryerCF-125 cyclone condensate separator10 bar nyomású hűtő+high speed SPAL fan 12V air after-cooler
- Excellent work with pressure 4.000 liter/min – 10 bar
Multi Media Blaster
- Water capacity: 80 liter
- Abrasive media capacity: 100 kg
- Hozzávetőleges futásidő ~60 min
- Continuous blast time 185+ CFM, ~5200+ liter/min
High capacity Air drying and cooling system:MT-3 automatic air dryerCF-125 cyclone condensate separator10 bar nyomású hűtő+nagy sebességű SPAL ventilátor 12V-os levegő után-hűtő
- excellent work with pressure 4000 liter/min, 10 bar
SOFTBLASTING SYSTEMS is the guarantee of quality service!
We offer You free training on how to use the machine and provide consultation on the full assortment of abrasive we sell.
SOUP International Ltd.
Phone.: +3630 350 7186 | Email: info@dustlessblasting.hu | info@softblasting.hu
www.dustlessblasting.hu | www.softblasting.hu
Mobile Screw compressor 4.000 liter/min 10 bar
from €17115
Designed for extreme conditions
• frosts in Siberian tundra
• startup even during extreme low temperatures (– 42° C) due to newly developed technologies
• corrosive environment of seaside areas of South America
• extreme temperatures of Arabian peninsula
• filters and separators which are designed specially for dusty environments
• diesel engines from renowned leading brands
• established global service network
• exceptional lifetime thanks to correct match of engine and air-end
Control system
• control system co-ordinates engine rpm according to discharge air
• maximum power optimization, low fuel consumption
Optional accessories
• universal appeal and requirement of our products
• wide range of optional and additional accessories
Optional accessories
Our compressors can have various versions
of undercarriages: fixed unbraked, adjustable unbraked,
fixed braked, adjustable braked, skid mounted.
Free air delivery | : 4000 l / min |
Engine rated power | : 35,70 kW |
Working overpressure | : 10,00 bar |
Fuel | : DIESEL |
Weight | : 900 kg |
Dimensions | : L: 325,00 cm W: 149,00 cm H: 122,00 cm |
LégRadír Eszközök
Below find you our smaller units with capacity 11-17 liter, which with optimal settings can allow 30-60 min. continuous work. It’s popular in car body- , car restoration- or machine repair garages. This is well -suited mobile-cleaning unit, which is uniqe in cleaning wall surfaces, statues.
Mobile screw compressor PB82E
Small, compact, mulitpurpose compressor, is the lightest in its category. It’s charactized by an efficient Vanguard-B&S gasoline engine, and easy to maneuver due to low weight and tilting handle. There is 4 lifting eye on the frame for hanging on the lifting device. Type PB81, PB82 and PB82E machines are easy to start with electric starter. The compressor can be transported through a door or with a crane through a window directly to the workplace due to its small dimensions. It has a 12V built-in socket, and the air aftercooler gets energy from here too.
Mobile screw compressor PB82E
MOBILE COMPRESSOR with air aftercooler
– Operating pressure (bar) 6 / 10 / 14
– Free air delivery (m3/min) 1,4 / 1,1 / 0,7
– Engine Vanguard B&S (23 HP)
– Engine power 16,9kW
– External aftercooler with water trap
– Electric starter
– Weight 135 kg
Easy to transport, light and easy to use. The new blasting system SPOTBLASTER is suitable for both professionals and individuals. Due to its performance this extremely versatile this equipment can easily replace manual, mechanical or chemical surface preparation on different surfaces. This model adapts to low flow rate of compressors and it can also be used with smaller electric compressors.
• Tank capacity: 11 liter
• Type of beams: pistol with control
• Beam length: 5 meter
• Blasting head: 2-3 mm in diameter
• Adjustable pressure: 0,5 to 8 bar
• Screw system for gradual distribution of granules
• Air flow: 300-1200 liter / min
• Dimensions: 71 × 45 × 39 cm (H × L × B)
• Net weight: 27 kg
Effectiveness – user friendly – versatility
3 years manufacturer warranty
The SPOTBLASTER PRO “Légradír” with adjustable blasting pressure offers all the advantages of modern and versatile equipment: lightweight, easy and a controlled use of blasting media thanks to the selective 5-position metering valve. This professional tool meets the most basic requirements and responding to the specific needs of the industrial sector.
• Tank capacity: 17 liter
• Blasting media distribution: selective metering valve with 5 positions
• Type of beams: pistol with control
• Beam lenght: 10 meter
• Blasting head:2-6,5 mm in diameter
• Adjustable pressure: 0,5 to 8,5 bar
• Air flow: 400l / min
• Dimensions: 90 × 40 × 40 cm (H × L × B)
• Net weight: 30 kg
Effectiveness – user friendly – versatility
5 years manufacturer warranty